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Using Custom Reports

The reports command enables you to customize and extend the behavior of the package analyzer. In fact all provided commands of the CLI are Reports themselves.

It is consumed via a JavaScript file that exports a configuration object, in the simplest form it looks like this:

module.exports = {
reports: [] //array of reports that you want to have run

Tutorial - Analyze a package and print its dependency tree

For the sake of this tutorial we want to run the analyze command and tree command in 1 go:

pkga analyze --package react
pkga tree --package react
const { AnalyzeReport, TreeReport } = require("@tmkn/packageanalyzer"); //import built in reports

//configure analyze report
const analyzeReport = new AnalyzeReport({
package: `react`, //defaults to latest otherwise use `name@version`
type: `dependencies`, //or `devDependencies`
full: false //only want a basic summary

//configure tree report
const treeReport = new TreeReport({
package: `react`,
type: `dependencies`

module.exports = {
reports: [analyzeReport, treeReport]

Then when you run:

pkga report --config ./customReport.js

It will print a summary of the package as well as its dependency tree

Custom Logic

For the sake of this tutorial we want to find all packages that execute a postinstall script. We will use a custom report for this.

A custom report is just a JavaScript class with at least the following things:

class BasicReport {
name = `Basic Report`; //basic name to associate the report
pkg = [`react`]; //a tuple, will default to latest version use [`name`, `version`]

async report(context, pkgData) {
//pkgData contains dependency tree metadata and utility functions
//context contains formatters to output messages to stdin & stdou

//your custom logic here
`Hello from my first report analyzing ${pkgData.fullName}`

This is the most basic setup. By default it will follow the whole dependency tree, there are options to limit this behavior as well as other settings like defining whether to follow dependencies or devDependencies, see IReport in the code for more settings.

The report method is where we will define all our logic.

Since we want to find all packages that define a postinstall script, we need a place to store that information. We'll use a Map for that. The key is the full package name: e.g. name@version and the value is the content of the postinstall value. At the end we will just loop through it and print its values.

const postinstallPackages = new Map();

To see whether a postinstall script is defined we need to check if a scripts.postinstall entry is present in the package.json.

To loop through the dependency tree we can use the visit method in pkgData:

pkgData.visit(pkg => {
//loop through dependency tree
}, true);

pkg in the callback is of the same type as pkgData, in fact the whole data structure relies on this nested structure. It mirrors the dependency tree. true signals to also include itself in the iteration. In other words, if you're looking at React, true means it will also include React otherwise it will only iterate through its dependencies.

Now we need a way to check for the postinstall entry, luckily there's a convenience functions as well, getData. getData allows you to query the package.json. Nested values can be specified with . notation, so all we need to do is this:

const postinstallData = pkg.getData("scripts.postinstall");

Then we just need to check if we got something back, if yes, add it to the postinstallPackages map.

if (postinstallData) {
postinstallPackages.set(pkg.fullName, postinstallData);

Then after we visited all packages, we print out the results:

`Postinstall scripts in the dependency tree of ${pkgData.fullName}: ${postinstallPackages.size}`

for (const [packageName, data] of postinstallPackages) {
stdoutFormatter.writeLine(`${packageName}: "${data}"`);

All combined the final custom report could look like this:

class PostinstallReport {
name = `Postinstall Report`;
pkg = [`react`];

async report({ stdoutFormatter }, pkgData) {
const postinstallPackages = new Map();

pkgData.visit(pkg => {
const postinstallData = pkg.getData("scripts.postinstall");

if (postinstallData) {
postinstallPackages.set(pkg.fullName, postinstallData);
}, true);

`Postinstall scripts in the dependency tree of ${pkgData.fullName}: ${postinstallPackages.size}`

for (const [packageName, data] of postinstallPackages) {
stdoutFormatter.writeLine(`${packageName}: "${data}"`);

But that's not very useful as it's hardcoded to React so lets fix that:

class PostinstallReport {
name = `Postinstall Report`;

constructor(pkg) {
this.pkg = pkg;

async report({ stdoutFormatter }, pkgData) {
const postinstallPackages = new Map();

pkgData.visit(pkg => {
const postinstallData = pkg.getData("scripts.postinstall");

if (postinstallData) {
postinstallPackages.set(pkg.fullName, postinstallData);
}, true);

`Postinstall scripts in the dependency tree of ${pkgData.fullName}: ${postinstallPackages.size}`

for (const [packageName, data] of postinstallPackages) {
stdoutFormatter.writeLine(`${packageName}: "${data}"`);

Now it's not hardcoded to any particular package, also for demonstration purposes lets look at a package which does define postinstall scripts.

Because spoiler alert React doesn't contain any, at least not at the time of writing. So instead lets look at @okta/okta-auth-js:

module.exports = {
reports: [
new PostinstallReport([`@okta/okta-auth-js` /*, `5.1.0`*/])
pkga report --config ./customReport.js

Now you should see something like this:

Postinstall scripts in the dependency tree of @okta/okta-auth-js@5.1.0: 2
→ core-js-pure@3.14.0: "node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}""
→ core-js@3.14.0: "node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}""

So here we see, that installing @okta/okta-auth-js will also install core-js-pure and core-js as they are part of the dependency tree and thus will also run their postinstall scripts unless explicitely disabled via:

npm config set ignore-scripts true
yarn config set ignore-scripts true


Now that we know which packages contain a postinstall script it would be nice to know how they got introduced aka print the dependency path.

As always the packageanalyzer got you covered. pkgData contains a parent field which points to the parent dependency (it's undefined for the top level package).

So to get the path we just need to follow the parent and collect the package name until parent is undefined.

So we will add a new method path to our PostinstallReport class that returns the dependency path as a string like dep1@version → dep2@version → ...:

    path(pkg) {
let current = pkg;
let parents = [pkg.fullName];

while (current.parent) {

current = current.parent;

return parents.reverse().join(``);

Then we just call it here:

if (postinstallData) {
postinstallPackages.set(this.path(pkg), postinstallData);

If we now run the script again it will print the following:

Postinstall scripts in the dependency tree of @okta/okta-auth-js@5.1.0: 2
@okta/okta-auth-js@5.1.0 → @okta/okta-idx-js@0.17.0 → @babel/runtime-corejs3@7.14.0 → core-js-pure@3.14.0: "node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}""
@okta/okta-auth-js@5.1.0 → core-js@3.14.0: "node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}""

Now we can see which packages contain a postinstall script and how they got introduced in the dependency tree.